SuperBowlitis: (also known as SuperBowl-itis)

Overview & Facts:
The biggest national sick day hits the Monday after the game. Symptoms usually last about 24 hours after any given Super Bowl or major sports event. Sometimes referred to as the New National Holiday (Super Bowl Monday) where employees everywhere have been known to call their employers and call in sick. Common excuse: “I can’t come in today my kids are sick and there is no one else that can care for them, so I must stay home.” Super Bowl flu is quite contagious and quite common.

Causes & Prevention:
Alcohol and excessive eating during a Super Bowl or major sporting event. Also excessive yelling and screaming at the event or at a Hi-def flat screens and/or grainy cathode ray tube. Also known causes, high caloric intakes and friendly camaraderie commonly including but not limited to beer consumption.

Symptoms & Types:
Feeling hung-over or sudden dizziness, craving food or additional alcohol.

Diagnosis & Tests:
There is no known diagnosis or test however frequently major cases of superbowl-itis are usually felt by those that bet on the loosing team.

Treatment & Care:
Sometimes a post game recovery period is required, usually lasts 24 hours other times a two day recovery period may be required to fully recover. Drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration. Bloody Mary’s have been known to help, sometimes a few additional beers can delay long term pain and suffering. Rest and relaxation is the best known cure of the Superbowl-itis bug however exercise the day after the game has also been known to help.

Support & Resources:
MSNBC recently reported that roughly 17% of the American workforce will miss work Monday. In addition, those that have the fortitude to make it in will provide less than ½ their normal productivity, costing the economy millions.

“We think there’s going to be a widespread impact across the country of Super Bowl-itis.” says, a national ticket broker or sporting events and concerts nationwide.

Recently read in the Washington Post: Super Bowl Sunday is the one Sunday night when we can enjoy conflict, violence and uncertainty from the comfort of our living rooms without engaging the National Guard or the United Nations.

A survey by the company Kronos estimated six million Americans may call in sick or roll in late due to Super Bowl-itis.

A University of Toronto study found car crashes rose almost 50 percent in the four hours after the game, compared to other Sundays. The biggest increase comes in the area of the losing team’s city.

Recent quote from
SuperBowl-itis: (n) an inflammation of short duration, presenting symptoms of either a fat wallet, or conversely an empty wallet; The former seemingly associated by presentation with those affiliated by business relationships, both direct and ancillary, and the latter by those instead in “observance” as “participants” at “arms length” with the enterprise.

10 Responses to “ SuperBowlitis: (also known as SuperBowl-itis) ”

  1. I have a hang-over now and recovering from SuperBowl-itis and asprins are doing the trick I think??

  2. I have to say this is really cool and I agree a National Holiday is way overdue. Perhaps President Obama will sign it into law for the next Super Bowl.

  3. I have suffered from Superbowl-itis 3 years in a row and take off a whole week after the Super Bowl to recover, love your website I sent it to a few friends


  4. I never knew there was even a word like Superbowlitis but its clever and I have to say now that I have learned there is such of a thing I know what to call it. I know this is just for fun because I ate all those munchies and beer during the Super Bowl but its fun that its all been put together for us to read and laugh about. How about those Saints huh wow what a game.

    New Orleans

  5. And those Saints go marching on…. Hey Larry I told you to be on the Saints……..LOL lost some money now didnt you??????


  6. Go Saints – New Orleans needed this win !!!!!

  7. Was there a Super Bowl?

  8. I am now recovered and can go back to work until next year, I have already put in my weeks vacation for next years Super Bowl.


  9. Proud sponsor of and wishing congratulations to the Saints for winning the Super Bowl.

  10. March Madness has me going now, slight cold but will be fine real soon and expect to have Superbowlitis during the next Superbowl scheduled for 2/6/2011 in Dallas, already notified my doctor and ready to call in sick
